Yes, I've not been posting here for a bit. My bad. Oddly enough, there is a really good reason for this. I've just gotten done decompressing from taking my first Solaris Certification Exam.
I passed.
So there were several days of intense cramming (after all, I've only done this for ten years), followed by the whole test day and then a few days of decompressing. That means I finally ran out of
In any event, I needed sixty-six percent to pass, and busted out an eighty-four. Yay me.
As the receptionist told me later, she had never seen someone arrive at the testing center to loudly proclaim:
I'm here for the Solaris Exam
"Big Poppy Pump-Pump is here, and he's going to carry every last one of you exam taking computer dudes to the Promised Land. So just climb on my back, and get ready for the ride, brutha! You gotta be in it to win it."
"Wooo!"(Why yes, I did grow up with Pro Wrestling, how did you know? And no, I have no idea what 'Big Poppy Pump-Pump' means. It seemed like the thing to say at the time.)
Nor has anyone before responded to, "Are you ready to begin?" with "Let's do this!" Just thank my wife that I didn't show up with the
woad on. She talked me out of it.
There were all sorts of funk I could have brought. I played it pretty straight that day.
So now I have to get ready for Exam II, but not today. Not today. I think I'll go with a Maximus thing. You know, I'll break off all fifty-seven questions in like twenty-two minutes. Then I'll toss my mouse at the moderator and exclaim, "Are you not entertained?
Are. You. Not. Entertained?" Then I'll spit and walk out while the guys who are there for the
MCSE start chanting, "Tommissar! Tommissar! Tommissar!"