Tuesday, July 26, 2005


From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

MADRID, N.M. - Firefighters battling a lightning-sparked blaze near Madrid stumbled on a marijuana plantation, the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Department said.

Deputies responded to the initial call from firefighters late Saturday and returned to the area the following day with a search warrant.

They found about 500 marijuana plants scattered among pinon trees on private land off N.M. 14.

A marijuana plantation? Am I the only person with images of stoners relaxing on the verandah with a bong, and banjos playing "Old Kentucky Home"? Seriously, you wouldn't need slaves to pick that crop. Between Santa Fe, Pecos and Taos you'd have a glut of willing workers.

I was deprived

Headline: "Mom Pleads Guilty to Hosting Sex Parties"

I didn't know any moms of kids at my high school who were that cool! Damn! I guess that's what happens when you're stuck in a rural TN town growing up!

Some kids have all the luck...

Friday, July 22, 2005

TJ's one man, get ready for the weekend, blogburst

  • Quickies :
  • ... Forget Rove - until the investigations are complete, Nadagate is a useless distraction

    ... Roberts should be confirmed, there is no logical basis for not doing so and we are spending too much time on this!

    ... Mass Transit bag searches (a la NYC) are a good thing, but "random checking" is garbage. Profiling is OK, get over it.*

    ... We need to secure our borders - Mexico and Canada. Yes, Immigration is good - when it is LEGAL!

    ... Militant groups (including, but not limited to "Islamofascists") need to be arrested / prosecuted / jailed-deported *

    ... We need more surveillance cameras here in the US, for "post-incident" investigation **

    ... Social inSecurity needs private accounts and a raising of the retirement age, and yes - it is still a crisis

    ... Medicare / Medicaid is an even bigger financial fiasco than Social inSecurity

    ... What does the Dept of Agriculture do anyway, aside from paying farmers to not grow stuff? ***

    ... And how about some welfare reform, tort reform, and tax reform (think The Fair Tax) while I am ranting

    * : there was never a good time for being PC, and now it can kill us. Get over it.
    ** : Free Speech isn't free. And it isn't unlimited. And there can be consequences.
    *** : feel free to enlighten me here, if it's worth it

    OK, NOW you can go have a great weekend! And Vote TJ for President in 2012.

    (cough) Participating sites :
  • NIF
  • Steal the Bandwagon
  • ItsAPundit
  • The Bower
  • Euphoric Reality
  • Thursday, July 21, 2005

    DUDE They Killed Jabberjaw!

    Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    One Small Step For Man...

    Monday, July 18, 2005

    Wasting Away In Potteritaville?

    In case any of you were hanging in the cave with Osama, this past weekend marked the release of the sixth in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Rowling has stated repeatedly that the series will end with no. 7, which presumably she is working on as we speak.

    Does anyone think she'd continue after seven volumes? After all, the series has been a license to print money. Or is it possible that the very success of the series will make it easier for her to move on? After all, it's easy to do what you want to do when you could probably buy Scotland with the money in your checking account. I think the bigger question than how the Potter series will end is how will her next creative venture be received.

    "Evolving standards" of the left

    Thursday, July 14, 2005

    "Covert" Valerie Plame outed by hubby's employer

    Joe Wilson's bio here. The last paragraph:
    He is married to the former Valerie Plame and has two sons and two daughters.
    Oh, no! Wilson's company has outed his wife's name! But wait...it must have been Karl Rove who leaked it to Wilson's employers!

    In August 2003 - a month after columnist Robert Novak disclosed how former Clinton administration official Joseph Wilson got his assignment to investigate Saddam Hussein's possible acquisition of yellowcake uranium in Niger - Wilson made his agenda clear: to "get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs." Clearly, Wilson was just doing his job and had no malice in his since-discredited report. Making statements about a burning desire to see Rove go to prison (being the liberal globalist that he is, probably the International Criminal Court) doesn't mean that he has an axe to grind, does it?

    Filthy Harry Reid (Dumbass-ocrat, NV): "The White House promised if anyone was involved in the Valerie Plame affair, they would no longer be in this administration. I trust they will follow through on this pledge. If these allegations are true, this rises above politics and is about our national security."

    Yep...such an intensely secret "national security" issue that the desk jockey (and not covert agent) Plame's name is on Wilson's bio on the web for all the world to see...not to mention in the July issue of Vanity Fair. So did Vanity Fair just compromise "national security", Reid?

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    Years From Now I Will Deny Ever Having Done This

    Tuesday, July 05, 2005

    Dems' fuzzy math

    Leaky Leahy said that it would be bad if a USSC nominee couldn't muster more than 51 votes for confirmation. Hmmmm...interesting how liberals view percentages, isn't it?

  • Bill Clinton wins in 1992 with a puny 43% of the popular vote. Libs claim mandate, point to importance of electoral vote and not popular vote.

  • Bill Clinton wins in 1996 with another sub-majority, 48% of the popular vote. Libs claim mandate, point to importance of electoral vote and not popular vote.

  • Al Gore in 2000 ekes out 49% of the popular vote, about 530,000 votes nationwide, but loses electoral vote 271-266. Libs impugn importance of electoral vote, and laud popular vote.

  • George W. Bush wins re-election with 51% of the popular vote, 3% more than John F'ing Kerry (who, by the way, served in Vietnam), by about 3.5 million votes nationwide. Libs impugn popular vote, dwell on alleged closeness of electoral vote (110,000 votes in Ohio), and spew drivel that 51% / 3.5 million / 286 electoral votes is no mandate.

    And now, Leaky Leahy wants us to believe that his math is somehow the final authority on Senate confirmation of a USSC judicial nominee. Here's guessing that the number 55-45 (Senate Republicans to Democrats) is another number lost on the left.
  • Friday, July 01, 2005

    It's Game Time

    Well, here we go!

    Sandra Day O'Connor has announced her retirement. I personally preferred Sandra Dee to Sandra Day, but that's just me.