Monday, August 08, 2005

Oops, Time For Some Creative Bookkeeping

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said Sunday that he’s looking into investigating claims that a Santa Fe Municipal Court judge altered records of people convicted of driving while intoxicated.


Richardson said he read in Sunday’s New Mexican about a former Municipal Court employee who said Judge Frances Gallegos systematically altered records in numerous DWI cases, often inflating defendants’ jail sentences and the actual time they spent behind bars. The report also quoted another employee and court documents.

Nice work, if you can get it, being a muni judge. I think it's a witch hunt, personally. After all, it's not like Judge Gallegos has ever been reprimanded by the Judicial Ethics committee.

Oops, my bad. She has.

Santa Fe Municipal Court Judge Frances Gallegos is the latest jurist to come under fire from the state's judicial standards commission, which says the judge violated the New Mexico code of judicial conduct by ordering defendants in her court to attend a driving-safety course put on by her court administrator, according to state Supreme Court records.

We should just change the name of the office from "Governor" to "El Presidente" then put a gigantic bananna on our state flag and get it over with.

Here's a happy guy, to be positive about these things. Go over and ask him about the "man hating witch".